Electro Harmonix - theguitarstoreonline

Electro Harmonix

Electro-Harmonix is a New York-based company that makes high-end electronic audio processors and sells rebranded vacuum tubes. The company was founded by Mike Matthews in 1968. It is best known for a series of popular guitar effects pedals introduced in the 1970s and 1990s.  Whilst most people immediately things of EHX because of the. . . Show More >

Electro-Harmonix is a New York-based company that makes high-end electronic audio processors and sells rebranded vacuum tubes. The company was founded by Mike Matthews in 1968. It is best known for a series of popular guitar effects pedals introduced in the 1970s and 1990s.  Whilst most people immediately things of EHX because of their Big Muff range of fuzz/overdrive pedals you would be wrong in thinking that Muffs are all they do - Mike is well known for jumping way off the middle ground and coming up with exciting and innovative pedals such as the POG range ....Come into The Guitar Store Southampton to check them out.

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