Bass Guitars - theguitarstoreonline

Bass Guitars

It's all about the bass! Our store offers a comprehensive range of bass guitars to suit every player and budget. From the affordable Squier range by Fender, through the Made in Mexico series, to the classic USA Jazz and Precision models, we have something for everyone. Additionally, we carry high-quality bass guitars from top brands like . . . Show More >

It's all about the bass! Our store offers a comprehensive range of bass guitars to suit every player and budget. From the affordable Squier range by Fender, through the Made in Mexico series, to the classic USA Jazz and Precision models, we have something for everyone. Additionally, we carry high-quality bass guitars from top brands like Ibanez, FGN, Cort, and Acoustic basses by Sigma, Fender, and Tanglewood.

Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned professional, our diverse selection ensures you'll find the perfect bass guitar to match your style and needs.

Every electric bass needs an amplifier, unless you prefer DI. We stock an excellent range of bass amplification from renowned brands such as Fender, Blackstar, Eden, and Ashdown, ensuring you get the best sound possible.

Visit our online store to browse our extensive catalog or come to our Southampton store for a hands-on experience. Our knowledgeable staff is always ready to assist you in finding the perfect bass guitar and amp combination.

Advance your music with our premium selection of bass guitars and amplifiers!

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